Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Fan.School Student Generated Blog by Florentina Aguon

    Paule E. Gray once said, "The most important outcome of education is to help students

become independent of formal education." Additionally, Fanschool is a

classroom management system that teachers and students can use to

enhance student learning and socialization. In the words of Lev Vygotsky, "a child's

cognitive development and learning ability can be guided and mediated

by their social interactions" (Marketing.) Furthermore, Matt Hardy, the CEO of

Fanschool, has created a classroom management system (CMS) where teachers

safely expand students' creativity for grades seven to twelve through technology while

enhancing their writing skills beyond the classroom. Moreover, Fanschool is a

learning management system that is safe for students, applies to students in

social interaction, and provides teachers with the tools to enhance students' writing skills.  

    For starters, Fanschool is a safe place for students to express themselves

through writing through its Fanschool moderation tools features. In addition, the

platform is

equipped for teachers to ensure the safety of students through its notifications and

approval system. For instance, when a student publishes an article for an

audience, the teacher is notified that a student's blog requires the teacher's

approval/action. The system is also color-coded red to signal that a student's

writing needs action. Finally, Fanschool allows parents to monitor their child's online

interactions by notifying them (the parent) when the child has posted content.

Likewise, parents are notified when students post and can monitor their

writing progress as they publish their writing. 

    Additionally, the CMS allows students to have a safe social space to publish

and share their interests about a particular topic, activity, and what they have learned in school.

With that said, students are free to socialize with their peers creating a publishing

community at their learning levels. Furthermore, students can collaborate and

produce articles by adding members to their space with the teacher's

approval. When adding members to students' Personal Spaces, the process

is quick and easy. In addition, the website provides step-by-step

instructions with visuals that make publishing a breeze. 

    Fanschool gives "Teachers a new Superpower: through its Feedback mode" ("Article | Fanschool.”) On the one hand, the Feedback feature amplifies teachers' power to dispense particular "highlights, comments, and suggestions while reviewing a draft article" ("Article | Fanschool.”) On the other hand, there are tools that allow students to submit an article for review where teachers can provide feedback to enrich students' writings. Furthermore, students in the class space can choose to submit their articles for review by the moderator(s) of the class space. Additionally, many tools allow "peers to give compliments, point out mistakes, or provide specific suggestions" ("Article | Fanschool.”) Once feedback is given students can request for final publishing by submitting their article to the class blog space or personal profiles. 

    Fanschool is an online blog classroom management system that allows students to grow as independent writers and learn through social interaction and collaboration beyond the classroom. The CMS safety measuring approval system ensures that all parties involved are informed and protected (i.e., teachers, parents, and students.) In addition, students are encouraged to share their creativity by publishing their interest about a specific topic, activity, or content learned in

school. Finally, Fanschool's feedback mode takes students through the writing process

when the teacher or peer moderators highlight, comment, and make suggestions while

reviewing their unpublished work.

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