Wednesday, December 21, 2022

International Literacy Association (ILA) Newsletter Weekly Project: Effective Literacy Website #1 Reading Rockets

Adonis Kier P. Ponce
ED638 Fall 2022
Dr. Rivera
IRA Newsletter Project: Effective Literacy Website #1

The effective literacy website that immediately grabbed my attention was as it is a website that is geared towards our K-3 students becoming strong, independent readers. It is a website that has a wide-array of research-based strategies for teachers, administrators, parents and anyone that is keen on helping a young student become a strong reader that can read independently. Reading Rocket’s goal is to bring the reading research and present it in a way that shows parents and educators what strategies work.

It is important to note that Reading Rockets gives free resources about how to teach students to read and how to positively help those that are struggling in learning how to read. Reading Rockets is present in the Twitter, Facebook and YouTube space, which means that they have a large and diverse community that they encompass. Another great point on why this literacy website should be utilized is that it is self-paced. For struggling readers, they do not learn as quickly as their classmates and it is important to note that they may not comprehend the usual strategies that would work for the rest of the students.

Reading Rocket’s mission is to help all children become strong, confident readers. When accessing the website, there are four main tabs that are labeled as follows: Teaching Reading, Helping Struggling Reader, Reading Topics A-Z and Children’s Books & Authors. Reading Rockets does a great job in dividing the important points that they are conveying in their website. From tabs that talk about classroom strategies and also providing writing samples, they are fully committed in helping our young learners to hone their reading skills. The website also gives interesting conversation starters on what could cause a student to struggle with reading as well as targeting the problems and how to mitigate them.

As you have read through my thoughts about this website, I would like to emphasize that this is primarily geared towards younger learners. Those of the ages of Kindergarten to third grade, but I personally believe that this can be used for older students since it does a great deal in helping a struggling reader. The themed book lists and differing genres of books that Reading Rockets have in their website sheds light into the idea of a struggling reader, regardless of their age, to benefit from this completely free resource literacy website. Overall, this website is beneficial for all, but it is primarily geared towards younger learners. Parents and administrators can also benefit from this website as it has blogs and subjects that cater to them and not just the educator.

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