Sunday, January 1, 2023

IRA Literacy #3 National Children's Literacy Website


Adonis Kier P. Ponce
ED638 Fall 2022
Dr. Rivera
IRA Newsletter Project: Effective Literacy Website #3 National Children’s Literacy Website

This website is a literacy site made by the NCLI (National Children’s Literacy Website) and has been a non-profit company for 48 years. This website is used to promote children literacy by providing resources for students as well as educators and the families of the students. There are many areas that students, educators and families can access. What is great about this website is that it also focuses on how to help our students become better readers. They have areas such as general literacy tips and great times to read in child care that they have in tabs as you navigate through the website.

The first tab that you will see once you start navigating through the website is titled “Ask Jeanna! - Reading Q & A’s” as this area is asking and answering important questions. The

questions are answered by the founder and director of the Soho center, Jeanna Beker, as her company offers children’s literacy, school readiness and school success. She talks about areas such as the do’s and don’ts of choosing which book to use to help our students become proficient in reading.

This website is beneficial as it talks about the concepts and how to best utilize them to help students learn how to read. This website also offers other sites that one can visit such as The Children’s Book Review, Read to Grow, Soho Center and The National Children’s Book and Literacy Alliance. Overall, this website is beneficial as it goes into detail in how to precisely help students learn how to read as well as answering any questions that an educator, or family member, may have in regards to the best practices in helping the student’s literacy.

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