Monday, December 26, 2022

IRA Newsletter Projet: Effective Literacy Website #2


IXL is an educationally literacy website for educators and parents. IXL is a very comprehensive website for teaching online.  The website contains lots of effective resources in all subject areas.  The icons provided on the page contain several links to aid users.  IXL’s four crucial features are accessible, advantageous and constructive.

First feature displayed on the website is My IXL.  Teachers are able to create the dashboard on the site.  Rosters of students is the first component of the online classroom.  Students' emails are required to be set up on the website for communication purposes. The activities that are to be completed by students are displayed.  Teachers are able to manage their student’s progress on this feature.  In addition, the engagement tools displayed on the page are the number of students submitted works, needs help, skills in practice, and questions practice could be seen in the webpage. Another icon under My IXL is quiz, students could be evaluated by providing questions from the lesson taught in a quiz.

Second feature on the site is the Learning. Under the learning icon, teachers can find lots of hyperlinks for skills, games, and lessons for each grade level in each subject area.  This website is very purposeful in terms of integration. Teachers have chances to explore the resources for teaching. The learning hyperlinks lead users to access topics, weekly plans and skill plans. The learning icon provides teachers with a selection of desired skills for their subject lessons.  

The third and final feature on IXL are basically for the constructive purpose of the online classroom.  These featured links are Assessment and Analytics. The application featured in this both is Real-Time Diagnostic.  Students and teachers benefit from this link in many ways. Teachers can assess students learning online by using the Real-Time Diagnostic.  This provides teachers ideas to make adaptation and modification of lessons. Students’ scores occur in the analysis for teachers to do self-assessment. Students are motivated as well to see their scores and work harder. These features positively impact students' learning as they grow.

 IXL’s provisions of its features are crucial for every teacher around the world.  The rich supplement of the links is very resourceful in teaching online classes.  Many displayed links are for all subject areas. IXL is very comprehensive and educational for teachers. Features displayed on the IXL are accessible, advantageous, and constructive for teachers and students.          

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