Friday, January 13, 2023

ED638 Farewell Message

 As the semester comes to an end, I must stop to think about just how quickly this semester has gone. Although swift, it did come in large strong waves. I had a great deal of feeling like I was falling behind as the amount of work in comparison to the shortened time frame due to being an intersession course. Although I did feel this way the majority of the time, I did not let that stop me from coming back and completing all assignments with my best efforts.

To my classmates, I hope these courses were as insightful to you as they were to me as I have learned a great deal and a new appreciation for technology apps for our students. We have done our best and have put our efforts into all of our assignments. I am excited to see how this coming spring semester will be for us all. I hope to collaborate more with everyone and I hope we get to do more of that in the spring semester. 

Thank you Dr. Rivera for your continued support and for allowing students such as myself, have the opportunity to learn more about the usefulness of technology in the classroom. I also would like to note how thankful I am for the personal timeline. It truly has given me a chance to reflect on how I have come as a student and an individual. I bid everyone a fine farewell and I hope to see you all next semester!

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     Ran annim, I am happy to say “farewell” to you all knowing that the word is just a marking point to the end of this short but challen...