Thursday, January 12, 2023

EQ Farewell Reflection


    As I look at this picture I think of this course. The view on the other side is brighter. I will eventually get there once I cross the water of assignments. The water is calm and yet at times I did not see the undercurrents trying to hold me back. I can finally say I made to the other side. 

    This has been a class that challenged me. I had my struggles and tried my best. Yet there were times when my best wasn't good enough. Through this course i envisioned my students and my child as they persevered through school. As this class comes to an end I look to myself and realize that I can proceed forward I just need to believe in me. 

   I did enjoy the assignments and I did learn a lot from them. Once again the mentality of "oh I know this"was changed to "I wish I'd known this before". If I could go back and change a thing, it would be to have taken this class pre-pandemic. This blog in itself would have been a wonderful tool for expressive writing and weekly reflections with students. 

I enjoyed reading and learning from my fellow classmates reviews. The sharing was an opener for some sites I didn't think to visit. Some I glanced through but this class had us dig deeper. Thank you all. To those of us who have started together, this intercession is our halfway mark. When all is graded, passed and done then we too are halfway done. 

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     Ran annim, I am happy to say “farewell” to you all knowing that the word is just a marking point to the end of this short but challen...