Thursday, January 12, 2023


        To be frank, this is my first time taking a fall intercession course. Unlike a regular semester, this session would not only test my performance but reflect on my priorities. I have mentioned before that I was off-island for a brief period, but I still managed to complete all the requirements in a timely manner. Having said that, I believe that the professional dispositions that I have expressed in this course include systematic planning, determination, and motivation.

        For starters, my characteristics of systematic planning and determination are what allowed me to fulfill my responsibilities. I would like to believe that I have provided excellent attendance each week as I regularly checked the course Moodle frequently. In like manner, I created a personal schedule to complete and submit assignments early. Also, I was determined to ensure that I provided quality assignments that were submitted within the appropriate time frame. Doing so also ensured that adequate time would be allocated for any revisions that were needed. Similarly, in order to accurately meet the course standards, I made sure to ask questions if I needed clarification on certain assignments. Therefore, portraying the traits of planning and determination through my preparation and participation in this course.

        Furthermore, my motivation to succeed is my hunger to learn. When reviewing the topics that will be discussed this semester, I was excited to absorb as much material as I can. I have always enjoyed building upon my knowledge as a form of self-improvement. This has allowed me to thoroughly absorb all the information I have received. Comparatively, I have always been interested in discovering new learning strategies to employ and  I am grateful for the newfound knowledge shared throughout the modules and from my peers. The motivation behind all of my submissions is a product of both my curiosity and eagerness to build upon my knowledge and trade.

        Overall, I believe that I have achieved full competency in fulfilling each course objective. Through the professional dispositions that I have portrayed within this course, I was given the opportunity to discover and implement a plethora of literacy strategies in my classroom. Although it was difficult to maintain my focus, I was determined to finish off this semester strong. I am looking forward to applying all of my newfound knowledge not only for the duration of this school year but throughout my career.

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