Thursday, January 12, 2023

FA 2022 ED 638-40: Farewell Reflection by Pearl Hamada

 Greetings, Dr. Rivera and FA 2022 ED 638 Classmates,

I have learned so many strategies and information in this course in such a short length of time. The course was filled with effective literacy websites, technology tools, and other literacy discussions that have helped me add or change what I do in the classroom. I attended past technology training for work but often felt I was not equipped with the knowledge to use anything presented to me. This intercession experience has given me the confidence to use what I learned or plan for future lessons. With that, I would like to thank everyone for your time in sharing the websites and tools. For example, I found Graham Henry's "Read to Me" website very helpful! It will be shared with our Public Relations Committee as part of our parent connection to help educators and parents learn different ways to have read-aloud with children. Celia Chavez inspired me to look more into free storyboards for students online. I have been using Google Slides with my GATE kiddos for the past few years, and her comment informed me that Canva could be used as a storyboard. I have Canva and never would have thought about that! Thank you all again! 

The class Moodle discussions, study sessions, and group chats were very helpful to me. Sometimes I was uncertain about a given activity or found a project very difficult, but I felt supported reading the Moodle comments to let me know if I was on the right path. The chat messages helped clarify and served as a reminder if needed. Happy, supportive chat messages from classmates to keep the momentum going were wonderful. 

I appreciate the shared insight into using the Internet to help our students become confident literacy learners using different online platforms and having fun along the way! I hope I was a bit of help or support to you as you were to me in our learning. Take care and be safe!  

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     Ran annim, I am happy to say “farewell” to you all knowing that the word is just a marking point to the end of this short but challen...