Thursday, January 12, 2023

Goodbye and Farewell by Charlene Chiguina

Buenas ED-638 friends,

     This course challenged us to push ourselves and to see our limits with the usage of technology in our classrooms. Although some of us are avid users of technology at school, I learned to use technology in various ways. I created blogs, reviewed literacy websites, and made unit plans using Schoology and Google Earth. Completing these assignments took a lot of work, especially during the holidays. So, sufficient planning and a lot of coffee got these assignments done. After completing these significant projects, I feel more confident as an educator. I want to implement the blogs and compile all the resources from the literacy website reviews to help my student become better readers. I'm so proud of myself and everyone now that we have completed the fall intersession courses. We are going together as a cohort and professionally growing as educators simultaneously. 

Good luck to everyone! We are almost there. 

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     Ran annim, I am happy to say “farewell” to you all knowing that the word is just a marking point to the end of this short but challen...