Thursday, January 12, 2023

Farewell ED638 Classmates

Like everybody else, I have learned so much important things from this course. Unlike the other courses, every activity on this course are hands-on. This makes the things we have learned hardly depart from our heads. Lett us put our hands together as we complete another challenging yet useful course to learn about. Let us continue to move forward as the days are going forward and never turns back. I believe as we leave this course aside for the purpose of welcoming new courses, we would never forget what we have learned. At the same time, I know that what we learned from this course are going to become our effective techniques or methods to implement in our classrooms. That is the most important part. We teach what we learned! 

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     Ran annim, I am happy to say “farewell” to you all knowing that the word is just a marking point to the end of this short but challen...