Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Story Mentors by Charlene Chiguina


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          Story Mentors ( is a digital classroom for struggling readers in early elementary school. Story Mentors is an online early literacy curriculum with 25 weekly lessons in the program's first phase, aimed at first-grade teachers, reading specialists, principals, and counselors. Story Mentors create lessons to assist kids in grade-level reading by utilizing early reading strategies to enhance learning outcomes for struggling readers. Mentor guides include a weekly teaching component outlining the process of a 40-minute session, their responsibilities, and best practices. With activities using everyday home items, the parent guides promote stronger bonds and continued learning between parent and kid.

           The website is an excellent resource for teachers, parents, and mentors who experience struggling readers. The teacher section includes instructions on how Story Mentors work. Teachers can sign up and choose between the Mentor Program, Classroom Program, and Home-School Program. Teachers can collaborate with librarians and showcase recommended books that pair with each reader. The parent section includes parent guides that align with the book's topic. Children can choose a book they're interested in, and parents can read along with them and do fun activities at the end of the book. The mentor sections also include guides on how to make the reader comfortable. Mentors can read to them, ask questions, and do fun activities. 

           Overall, I think Story Mentors is an effective literacy website because this could be a website for providing reading interventions. I like how there are multiple programs to fit a child's needs. Also, I love how they make reading hands-on and fun! Some of the activities were seeing how strong an egg was! Parents can get very involved in this website, which could also help bridge the gap for students. Story Mentors is a website I would show to my parents with struggling readers. 

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