Friday, January 13, 2023

Farewell ED638 class from Graham Henry.....


    I would like to say farewell to everyone and thank you for the wonderful experience throughout this intersession fall course.  I have learned a lot and the only regret I have is that the time was very short because this was an intersession course and not a full fall or spring course.  I learned a lot in this course, blogging, writing reviews on internet tools and literacy websites, building my own Course Management System (CMS), learning about integrating Google Earth into my lesson to make it more creative and fun, and so much more.  My only wish was that this session would have been a full quarter so I can learn more but that's okay.  Thank you Dr. Rivera for always responding so quickly to my questions.  To my fellow classmates, thank you for your posts on the forums and reviews, I've learned a lot from everyone.  I hope to learn more from you all as we continue into this program.  That's all and Kaselehlie Maingko.  

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     Ran annim, I am happy to say “farewell” to you all knowing that the word is just a marking point to the end of this short but challen...